Friday 10 January 2020

Account for 2019

My resolve, made in 2018, to buy less yarn worked well at the start of the year, and I regularly kept within my allowance of 75 gr per week, so much so that I could buy some reduced on the internet.  This lasted until the first week of June when I couldn't resist over 1 kg oddments of random dyed sock yarn, very reasonably priced.  The picture shows about a third.

After that there was no going back.  I continued buying, and at the end of the year I find that my purchases amounted to more or less the same as the previous year.  I have refined my selections now.  I no longer buy yarn that will go straight into the blankets.  As a result I have ended up with a lot of lace weight yarn, so much so that I will have to make a start knitting with it.

An expensive item was Marie Wallin British Breeds yarn, some that came in a presentation box at an unbelievable price.  Charity shops often price their goods using the internet as a guide.  I bit my teeth and told myself it was all for charity.  The yarn is so nice.

Another good, and expensive in comparison to shop price, purchase was two 240 gr hanks of Estonian minimally processed and dyed wool.  Was this 8 ounce hanks?  (The brown yarn is Greek goat's mohair, bought at Alexandra Palace.)

As to the finished projects they amounted to more or less the same as in previous year, 23.1 kg.  And 2020?  I will continued buying yarn.  It gives me pleasure.

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