I thought my knitting had slowed down even further in 2024, but it reached a respectable 22.5 kg, similar to pre-pandemic levels. And had my hand not been injured early December I would have had time to complete at least two more blankets, raising the total to over 24 kg.
It happened in the storm. A strong wind punched me in the chest, lifted me up and turned me round 90 degrees before letting me land. I came off quite lightly anyway, I fractured a bone in my left hand and bruised my left leg. I've nearly recovered now, but I'm not allowed knitting for more than 5 minutes at a time. It is difficult, especially now that I have started making plans for new projects.
I'm still aiming to use up yarn by date of purchase, and it is a slow process. I tell myself that it does not matter as it is all yarn that has to go. I allow myself to donate yarns to charity shops, those that I don't like very much. The non-standard blankets are now smaller and knitted in simple patterns, the standard blankets take longer.
For the first year I bought less yarn than I knitted. Now I buy hand dyed yarn, Rowan yarn in sales and what I find in charity shops. It is progress of sorts.